Hope is where the heart is.

A Bit of Background
Create Awareness For The Arts Company (CAFTA Co.) is a student based initiative dedicated to uplifting the South African community – Captonians in particular. As the economic, social, environmental and spiritual problems affecting the world begin to intensify around us, the need to produce sustainable art projects becomes even stronger. The concept for this initiative first came to mind as we the founders of CAFTA set about to apply innovative, practical and sustainable approaches in order to uplift the society of Cape Town with an emphasis on those who are considered poor and marginalized. Through art we are able to create and sustain social value.
CAFTA seeks to produce projects/works that promote moral and ethical behaviour, followed by a sense of responsibility. Since we have a great love for (but not limited to) drama and dance, we strongly believe that moral development is vital to solving problems we as South Africans face on a daily basis, hence using art as a medium in order to improve our existing situation within our environment. This project utilizes methods to assist with integration and conflict in a culturally, racially and religiously diverse area such as Cape Town. Through researching and writing this initiative proposal, our idea now has the chance to become a reality. We hope that the initiative creates social value in the community and makes a small contribution to the world of theatre.
The central objective of the initiative is to foster a spiritual identity and develop a moral conscience within (but not limited to) the youth. Our central belief is that only once individuals realize their spiritual identity and develop morals can true development take place and social problems be overcome. Moreover, art is used to educate people on how to find and use creative ways to solve pertinent social issues in order to help them develop – a notion which we as CAFTA Company back a hundred and ten percent.
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up”
Pablo Picasso

Our Services
45 min
250 South African rand10 min
500 South African rand2 hr
400 South African rand45 min
150 South African rand