Written By: Hannah Tayla
A piece inspired by Gabeba Baderoon's poem "The Pen".
14 days after we had our conversation I eagerly climbed onto the glowing Ferris wheel. Each compartment was a tacky coloured floating mushroom, a rickety childish ride, but an escapade swirling with excitement.
It was a warm, cloudless and brilliant evening With the familiar fair paraphernalia of sticky desserts and gaudy conversation, mingled with the smell of burning cigarettes and oily slap chips.
I could hear the crack, crack, crack of the lever cranking into motion the giant rotating ring, rocking its accompanying trinkets back and forth like a collection of pendulums, as the giant wheel followed its destined up- down course.
Each compartment squeaked and creaked under the weight of its gimcrack. We rose higher and higher into the sky with each grating introduction.
After a little while, my excitement dimmed to a cold wick with each sway and heavy rotation. 14 days later, within my mind, I still repeated the conversation. With each playback I wince at the putrid reciprocation A conversation that turned into an altercation, Later wiring my thoughts into a rotating mechanization Branded by the hot iron of sheer indignation.
I think about that day,
the day I spiralled into the monotonous replay of every high and every low of that rendezvous.
As I rock back and forth into the motion of my imagination,
My stomach lurches at every destructive word,
As my eyes burn with regret at my irrevocable misinterpretation.