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The Road Ahead

Written By: Micaleb Lawrence


The reality is : I am not even sure.

There was a time when everything was adventurous and when bright skies brightened up a day.

Those times tend to find their path home as the clock ticks…ticks and


Now the morning mist excites the average person and grey skies call for a day in bed.

Our comfort zones, although, homely can be poisonous too,

so, we try to rise above the circumstances creating a better tomorrow but when tomorrow comes,

we’re gone.

Our hearts take on the heavy task of loving too loud and our minds become narrow.

We become statistics and fear rejection yet rejoice in the failure of our brothers and sisters.

Who used to wake up and prosper just at the sight of clear skies now we ‘re delighted to see grey clouds over their heads and rain before their hurricane?

Who have we become?

Why did we ever settle?

How did we forget the gratifying feeling of not knowing?

The childlike state of minds that loved surprises…

Surprises are now the one thing we hate.

We hate not knowing.

We need to know what is next.


We're becoming anxious without plans resulting in havoc as thoughtless behavior causes us to act out.

Getting on a pedestal and playing God.

Unaware of the road ahead.

Mystery and misery taking the wheel to your nearest destination.



A beggar here and there.

But you don’t stop, you’re too busy calling me thin or that beggar filthy.

Maybe I have an eating disorder.

Maybe the beggar fought for you and your country.

But you won’t know, your pride is keeping you from your curiosity.

The same curiosity you had in third grade.

Now you’re out of gas and your heart can’t be fueled…

You’re tired and the road ahead is too long after all.

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